Students feedback

Below are comments and feedback from students who did take French classes during their culinary training in France.


“In addition to thanking the practical skills teachers, thanking the French teacher seems a must. He was for me a great help in learning French: without him I would not have been able to be where I am today. Without learning French, I could have not completed the internship that was offered to me after my training, it would have been impossible since the entire team spoke French only”

Serge PAKOTA – From Canada


“Every day I learned new things. During the internship, I worked more than ever, I hung strong, I corrected my faults gradually and I improved to perfection.
During the internship, I had to communicate in French and therefore made language improvements as well. Learning teamwork from within the kitchen staff has been very rewarding for me. ”

Nailin – From China


If you would like more information and contact former culinary or pastry program students who also took French classes, follow the link: Ambassadors
The most? This interactive map lists the contact information of students from different origins. This will allow you to have direct contact with someone (maybe) from your own country.


“I’m very happy with the independence I gained while working in a kitchen. Communicating in French became much easier over the months and I now feel I can work in kitchen in France.
In spite of several difficulties I encountered during the internship I think it was a really valuable experience for my future. I came to realize that working in a restaurant is hard but it is also very satisfying. I want to continue in this line of work and learn more, especially the specific culinary techniques. And maybe one day own a business, but that’s another story. ”

Stepan – From the Czech Republic


“At the beginning of my internship, I met many challenges with the French language, the new techniques, the work itself … I was not certain I could continue in this field. I did not know that this work was so hard. But after my training and internship in France, I found what I love doing and I want to make if my career. ”

Yu – From China


Shari – From Philippines